Dr Hisham Ziauddeen and Kenneth Ewing spoke at our 2021 webinar on Unseen Disabilities. Watch now on our YouTube channel.
Accessibility & disability in the Department and University
We have a wheelchair lift to the front door and accessible card readers for all doors, and will do our utmost to support your accessibility needs. The University's Occupational Health Service (for staff) and the University Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre (ADRC for students) work with the department to provide specialist equipment and ensure accessibility compliance. You can also contact Kathleen Pickett, who is the Departmental Disability Liaison Officer, with questions relating to accessibility in the department.
For staff-related issues relating to accessibility and disability, speak to your line manager, Head of Operations and Estates Marita Walsh or Wellbeing Advocate Kathleen Pickett who, with advice from Occupational Health, can make any necessary adjustments in the workplace.
For postgraduate and undergraduate students, speak to your college contact (tutorial team, Director of Studies, mentor or disability contact) or a member of the department (Postgraduate Education Team, Undergraduate Teaching Office, Deputy Head of Department). You can also approach the Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre directly for assessment and preparation of a Student Support Document (SSD) which they will give to all the necessary people in your college and the department.
Further information about Student Support Documents.